Our Services
At Rye Veterinary Clinic
Our Services
Our Services
At Rye Vet Clinic we pride ourselves in offering the best of care and service. It is our policy to offer our clients treatment options so that they can have an input into the most appropriate course of treatment for their pet.
We make recommendations, go into detail about what we can offer, listen to clients’ concerns and support our clients in making the right decision.
Our aim is to put your mind at ease when you leave your pet in our care. You can be assured that your pet will always receive the best care and receive plenty of pats and attention.

We have the ability to evaluate blood and urine in house on our up to date blood machine and can have results back in as little as 30 minutes. Haematology looks at the function of red and white blood cells and biochemistry looks at multiple parameters that help assess organ function.
At times, we will need to run blood and urine tests to further evaluate the health status of your pet. These are often done routinely in ageing pets, prior to anaesthetics, to determine the effect of medication on your pet or as a diagnostic tool if your pet is unwell. We also have more specialised tests that we can run in house. We routinely run tests to monitor our diabetic patients, to help diagnose pancreatitis, parvovirus in puppies and FIV in cats. Certain tests can assess when a dog is due to be mated or due to whelp. Often ear and skin samples are looked at more closely using our microscope. Rye vet Clinic has a courier service for blood or tissue samples that need to be sent to a specialist veterinary pathologist.
We aim to make blood collection as stress free as possible. Usually the sound and feel of the clippers is the worse bit for your furry friend.

Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Testing
We will advise for your pet to have this blood test prior to an anaesthetic if they are over the age of 7 years or if there are any other concerns. This is important as it gives us valuable information about how your pet’s organs are working and if they are a good candidate for a general anaesthetic. We look at liver and kidney function and make sure that there are no indications of diabetes. By checking organs are working optimally, we can feel confident in the safety of the procedure and anaesthetic and your pet can recover from the procedure optimally.

Rye vet Clinic offers predictable and safe anaesthesia. We possess surgical patient monitoring devices that measure heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, end tidal CO2 levels and body temperature. Intravenous fluid pumps are used where necessary in order to help maintain blood pressure and organ perfusion and to make recovery from procedures optimal. All pets under anaesthesia are monitored constantly by a dedicated veterinary nurse.

Rye Vet Clinic has an automatic processor so radiographs can be assessed quickly. X-rays may be taken to detect fractures, but also to assess chest and heart conditions as well as the abdomen.
In most cases, sedation or anaesthesia is required prior to an x-ray to minimise movement and make the procedure as stress free as possible.
Rye Vet Clinic is in the process of purchasing a new state of the art digital x-ray machine. This will make it easier to store x-rays on pets’ files as well as share the x-ray with a specialist if we need a specialist opinion.

We have the facilities to admit pets to hospital to be treated for medical conditions, have specialised blood tests or to undergo surgery. We have several intravenous fluid pumps, a state of the art blood testing machine and an x-ray machine. Whilst in hospital pets will be given veterinary care as required as well as lots of TLC.

We recommend microchips in case your pet is ever lost or escapes during a storm or fireworks which are common and random on the peninsula. The chip itself is about the size of a grain of rice and is implanted just under the skin between the shoulder blades. Each chip has a unique number that is detected using a microchip scanner. The number is recorded on a database registry with details about the animal and owner.

Rye vet Clinic stocks a full pharmacy of medications for your pets. If you require medication that is not normally stocked we can order it in especially for you and usually have it at the clinic within the next 24-48 hours.

Premium and Prescription Pet foods
Our nurses are experienced in offering advice in this area. Sometimes certain conditions such as pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease or certain skin issues require specialised diets.
Weight Loss Clinic – We recommend coming in with your pet for regular weigh ins and a chat.

Specialist Referrals
If our vets feel it is necessary your pet can be referred to a vet who specialises in specific areas such as medicine, surgery, oncology or emergency.
We have developed good relationships with many specialists and communicate with them readily. We always have your pets best interest at heart.

Follow Up Phone Calls
You may get a call from one of our vets or nurses a day or so after you have visited. This is just us checking up that everything is going along as expected and to check if there are any questions.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6pm
Sat: 8:30am - 12pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
After-Hours Emergencies:
Contact Us
We welcome all pets in the Rye area, including suburbs such as Blairgowrie, Sorrento, Portsea, Capel Sound, Rosebud, and Tootgarook.